
Let's build something legendary together


Corgan Maillet


Game Development

Criticla Thinking

Native American who has taken my love for video games and applied it to the advancement of education through video game media. By working in teams to develop outcomes that we have set forth for ourselves, I have been able to accomplish all tasks and challenges. Critical thinking and strong leadership has led me to excel in all parts of my life and allows me to produce the best possible product! With the knowledge of many human advancements, I have applied this thought to my work and have studied trends that are being set by mainstream entertainment and the development of society.


Technical Skills|HTML|CSS|Javascript|Java|Python|C++|C#|Ruby|Unreal Engine|Visual Studio|Adobe CC|Microsoft Office|Cerner|Autodesk|Roblox Studio

Medical Skills|ImageTrend|Cerner|AthenaHealth|GIS/911 CAD|Zoll

Professional Experience

DATAVANT|Bentonville, AR

Health Information Specialist I (2023 - Current)

  • Process requests for patients, healthcare providers, insurance agencies, worker’s compensation claims, attorneys, government organizations, and disability determinations.
  • Follow federal laws highlighted under HIPAA and other federal privacy laws.
  • Keep track of inventory management at a single location and request supplies when needed.
  • Assist other staff with job duties and train when needed.


Station Captain (2022 - 2023)

  • Track supplies for the station and keep intermediate drugs up to date on expiration dates. Order the supplies and keep inventory of when supplies are used and when.
  • Train staff in best practices in the EMS field, driving safely with emergency vehicles, and great service to the patient.
  • Track all station checks and calls to ensure all information related to federal and state laws are being applied.
  • Create and enforce Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
Other Professional Experience


Lieutenant Firefighter (2018 - 2022)

  • Maintain station that is in-service 24/7/365. Including truck maintenance, supply restock, fuel restock, purchase of new equipment, and fire report tracking.
  • Host department wide trainings to teach and understand the importance of safe fire fighting techniques, basic life support, truck driving for emergency vehicles, and proper search and rescue techniques.
  • Leading as the first contact and scene commander for many local emnergencies, hosting CPR/BLS with local public schools to teach life saving techniques, assistance to local public schools with on-site medical teams for athletic competitions.
  • Keep a level head under intense and extreme pressure. Contain the chaos of the public when an emergency is in-progress and provide support to the community after extreme emergencies and weather related injuries.


Emergency Medical Technician (2020 - 2022)

  • Respond to emergency calls dispatched from local 911 dispatch centers.
  • Clean, sanitize, and restock all items on assigned units and ensure all items are accounted for at shift change.
  • Provide public support in disaster situations and give aid to patients while following the best practices of local, state, and federal standards.